Just finished up my solo exhibit at Copperwood Artware Gallery in Orange, Ca.
Very nice show! Took a little time off from Rebus painting to work on an unfinished western piece I've had sitting in the corner of my studio, but I'm ready to get back to creating more puzzles. I have so many ideas! "Dog Days of Summer" is my latest Rebus.
My personality lends itself to the humorous side of life, which allows me to express myself through my work, while I continually strive to stretch the boundaries of my viewer’s imagination.
My method of expression is through Rebuses… (ree-buses) puzzles or riddles in which pictures represent words or phrases.
I invite you to play the game of solving each Rebus by the obvious and hidden clues within each of my works.
A Rebus is a riddle in which pictures represent words or phrases. A picture riddle!
Key Lime Pi
"The Darcie Game"
By adding your name to my email list you will be sent an image of each of my Rebuses upon completion. The First game player to figure out the title will win a free "Mini" print of that piece. Visit my website at http://www.DarcieArt.com to sign up to play "The Darcie Game"